OPINION: Recycle Caz corflutes – No McDonalds in Toormina

DEAR News Of The Area,

FOR all the Caz voters in the Sawtell/Toormina area, I have a great suggestion for recycling your corflutes.

Please turn them around and print in very large letters ‘NO MCDONALD’S IN TOORMINA GARDENS CAR PARK’, and put them back up in your front yard.

It is surprising how many locals do not know that McDonalds have now amended their application and resubmitted it, making it 5am to midnight, seven days a week, instead of 24 hours!

As if that will miraculously decrease the amount of traffic, light, disturbance, rubbish, lack of parking in the shopping centre itself and other detrimental effects on the neighbourhood that a McDonalds built in the car park will bring.

Marion BEER

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