OPINION: Questions on offshore wind turbines

DEAR News Of The Area,

I HAVE a few questions to ask about the proposed turbines.

Is this another uncosted blowout disaster like the NBN, NDIS and Snowy Hydro 2?

1) Where will the turbines be manufactured, by whom and at what cost per unit?

2) Where will the materials used be sourced and what do they consist of?

3) Who will build them and do they have expertise in this area of construction?

4) What foundations are needed and at what depth. Cost of construction?

5) How many turbines are proposed and will their placement disrupt the shipping lanes both along the coast and into Newcastle Harbour.

6) Will they disrupt sea life and the migration of whales?

7) What is the cost of cables from the turbines to shore?

8) What is the cost of maintenance of the total system?

9) What is the expected life of a turbine out at sea?

10) What are you going to do with the turbine when it finally expires?

11) Most importantly, what is the timeline to completion?

12) Will there be a penalty clause if construction passes an agreed completion date?

Have you considered that nuclear energy might be less expensive, more efficient, land based and connect into the existing poles and wires?

Kind regards,
David BRUCE,
Tea Gardens.

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