OPINION: Pesticide Pollution on the Coffs Coast

DEAR News Of The Area,

WHY is it that toxic, cancer causing pesticides, already banned in US, Canada & Europe, are still freely used in Australia for aerial spraying and topical application, by farmers, councils and broad acre farming corporations?

Not only do they poison all fruit and vegetable crops, but they also enter our food chain through dairy and beef cattle feed, and also contaminate our air, soil and rivers.

Organic farmers, who do the right thing, have to contend with toxic spray drift as well as the wide use of GMO crops!

There is a very good reason that more and more consumers now choose to support organic farmers at weekend markets – to protect their family’s health!

This indiscriminate use of pesticides will also affect our valuable export market.

Pesticide free food products are attracting a premium price, whilst contaminated food products are a fast shrinking market for overseas buyers!

Which is such a shame as Australia has always had a reputation of being a ‘safe and trustworthy’ producer of fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy, seafood, wine and supplements!

Even enlightened vineyard owners are now choosing pesticide free production and their wines are attracting a premium.

We certainly don’t have to wait for any more research to prove that all these chemicals are toxic, not only to our health and our environment, but also for the food source and habitat of our already threatened wildlife, birds, beneficial insects and bees!

So let us all lobby our federal government to ban the use of these known poisons NOW!

Coffs Harbour.

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