OPINION: Path to nowhere

DEAR News Of The Area,

ONCE again Port Stephens Council has led us on a path to nowhere.

Yes the new path from the boat ramp in Henderson Park to Marine Drive, Lemon Tree Passage ends in a pile of dirt.

Yes, this is what those with disabilities using mobility devices are expected to navigate.

For the life of me I can’t understand how the Council and our State Member of Parliament thinks this is acceptable.

I personally met with Kate Washington before her party was elected to government on a number of occasions, along with complaints made to Council about the lack of disability access points in the park, unsafe mobility entry points on paths around the streets and poor road surfaces in and around the park.

Very little has been done and I was also assured by Kate that the new path would not have access issues as it would be built to current guidelines.

Once again our elected representatives have led the residents up the garden park with their beautifying Henderson Park program, mainly done for the tourist value, which is needed and will be appreciated by local businesses.

But, once again, those who live locally, pay rates and require assistance in accessing these facilities are left out.

How much longer are residents expected to put up with the substandard Council works with paths to nowhere, crumbling roads and a total lack of works that put ratepayers’ needs first?

Warwick W,
Port Stephens.

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