OPINION: Parking concerns in Jetty area


DEAR News Of The Area,

I TRUST our Jetty Steering Committee visits the Jetty Sunday Markets and see the vacant areas north and south of Marina Drive currently used for parking are full with the overflow stretching along Jordan Esplanade.

The same occurs most Sundays and when other major events are scheduled.

The parking area currently being enlarged is no solution as the need for parking far exceeds its capacity.

I hope the Committee and all decision makers involved in the Jetty revitalisation keep in mind that every square metre of this area ceded to developers takes away parking space forever. Parking in the precinct is already at a premium from restaurants and other businesses.

I hope continued strong public support and feedback already received for keeping east of the railway line free of residential development is not only acknowledged but evident in upcoming plans.

Best regards,

Coffs Harbour.

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