OPINION: Options for the homeless – NOW

DEAR News Of The Area,

WE had a guest speaker last week from the Coffs Neighbourhood Centre speaking on the homeless people they have there.

They feed them, do their laundry and find them clothing and bedding so they can hopefully sleep safe in the adjoining bush land.

When we go to Cavanbah Hall on a Monday morning to get in the door, we have to step over sleeping bodies as they are under the verandah getting protection from the wet weather.

I have mentioned to Gurmesh Singh and Pat Conaghan that there are several empty places that they could be accommodated in.

The main one is the empty St. Augustines nursing home, with approximately 50 rooms going begging.

The old Police station, courthouse and several options are also possibilities.

It amazes me that just one block away we are spending millions on a building that 80 percent of ratepayers don’t want.

If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.

Coffs Harbour.

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