OPINION: One solution to counter rising fresh food prices


DEAR News Of The Area,

ONE answer is to make readily available more of the vast quantity of our home grown vegetables and fruit which never reach the supermarket shelves, because it is not the ideal shape, size or colour.

There are endless examples of these food products such as forked carrots, straight rather than curved bananas, potatoes too small or too large and tomatoes not red enough.

So much of this good nourishing food sadly never leaves the farm.

There are two essential requirements to making this vast amount of food available, the retail outlets must display and promote the range of food items, including the obvious lower prices, and the customer must adapt by changing their life long attitudes.

The retailer should not be concerned that the existing top quality (i.e. size, shape and colour) product demand will fall drastically because there is that percentage of customers who will always go for the top price products; be it food, white goods, travel options etc.

Granted there are some supermarket outlets that provide limited quantities of lower price food for children, it’s just a matter of expanding this availability to the bulk of purchasers.

Give it a go.

Lindsay MOULDEN,
Coffs Harbour.

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