OPINION: NOTA writer Jen Hetherington looks forward to big 2024

NOTA reporter Jen Hetherington.

IN response to the remarkably wide-ranging rural community I have been reporting on since I cautiously signed on to write for NOTA last year, I offer many thanks for your actual recognition that a free printed paper is still possible.

As a freelance correspondent (not sure I qualify as a journalist) offering pertinent, local weekly stories I’ve been so blessed to meet many people, in many circumstances within and extending across our immediate district, and will continue to carry this attitude into 2024.

NOTA has been a blessing for my writing practice; the deadlines, the formatting, the fact checking and quote clarifications are all worth the effort.

I sleep well at night and wake knowing the sun comes up, as usual, with lots of goodness and great stories to come.

As well as my NOTA writing, I have recently published a second collection of Illustrated Poetry, and my artworks, along with my books, will on exhibition at the South West Rock Art Gallery from 29 January 2024 till Sunday 11 February, with a combined artist’s ‘meet and greet’ on Sunday 4 February.

See you all in the new year.


One thought on “OPINION: NOTA writer Jen Hetherington looks forward to big 2024

  1. Dear Ms Hetherington. Thankyou for the lovely piece you wrote about my mother in law’s 100th birthday at Macksville.
    It was in this article that I noticed your name and I would like to talk to you about that please. If you could please send me an email I would appreciate it as it is personal and doesn’t belong on a public forum. Regards, L McLaurin

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