OPINION: Logging and clear felling native rainforest

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet wants to have it both ways.

He describes the recent flood events as, ’disastrous’ and ‘ catastrophic’ but at the same time he and his government apparently still intend to log the upper catchment and headwaters of the Kalang River.

This tragic,ill-advised activity would greatly increase the frequency, maximum heights and overall severity of flooding and flash flooding in the valley.

When these man-made, government-sponsored disasters damage or destroy homes, farmland, livestock, and businesses at Kalang, Brierfield, Newry Island and Urunga, will the Premier and his government adequately compensate the victims?

No, they will not.

I beseech him to do the right thing, match his words with actions and pull the plug on this ridiculous, costly and highly destructive project.


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