OPINION: Let’s not waste this moment in history

DEAR News Of The Area,

ALTHOUGH I am now retired, I worked in the Commonwealth Government developing policy and administering government programs at a senior level.

My work was not specifically concerned with Indigenous issues however, I am well acquainted with government processes and my experiences here firmly back my decision to vote YES.

I think this country has a great deal to gain from having an indigenous Voice to Parliament. First Nations people have a lot to contribute to our society through their knowledge of country and in providing cultural diversity and enrichment.

A Voice will improve policy outcomes for both Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians; better education and health outcomes, etc. will enable more First Nations people to reach their full potential and this will ultimately flow on to non-indigenous Australians financially and culturally.

We have had decades of poor policy outcomes for Indigenous Australians – an enormous waste of time and money.

We need a new way of doing things.

There needs to be a permanent Voice to parliament that can be continually improved or changed as required but cannot be abolished.

There have been mixed outcomes from government programs in the past, but very little change as a result.

How many more reports and inquiries do we need to tell us this, only to have governments disregard the evidence?

Programs that have been successful, for example the Indigenous Rangers Program and some youth early intervention programs, have had significant input from Indigenous people but tend to be small and without long term surety of funding and government support.

Giving indigenous Australians a Voice that can advise on government policy at an early stage (i.e. to the Executive process) is crucial to good policy.

This happens all the time with other groups, organisation and companies.

To me it is unacceptable that companies such as Woodside Petroleum and Qantas are able to have more influence on government policy than Indigenous Australians.

A Voice will provide a structure and process for indigenous people at a grassroots level to have their say on what will best help them.

An overwhelming majority of Indigenous Australians representing communities all over Australia and the Torres Strait Islands have signed the Uluru Statement from the Heart which asks for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Let’s not waste this opportunity to make Australia a better country for all Australians.

Vote YES!

Sandy RADKE,

One thought on “OPINION: Let’s not waste this moment in history

  1. Yes. I remember ATSIC. Now we have NIAA and billions of dollars also being wasted. We need an audit into where the money is going.

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