OPINION: Is speed camera on Myall Street warranted?

DEAR News Of The Area,

A regular visitor to Myall Street, Tea Gardens, is an unmarked white sedan with a ‘Radar Speed Check’ placard on the roof.

One day there was one on each side of the road.

The hours they spend here seem disproportionate to the area’s population and the amount of dangerous driving.

Eye watering fines are regularly imposed and must suck discretionary spending from local pockets.

Is it correct that these traps are run by private contractors?

Do they get a cut of the fines paid?

Do they decide for themselves where they will work?

Do the fines go to improve the roads where they are imposed or just go to fatten NSW State coffers while the MidCoast Council struggles to keep Myall Street in good repair?

Marjorie Sutcliffe,
Hawks Nest.

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