OPINION: Incorrect data on Teach For Australia retention rates

DEAR News Of The Area,

I WRITE in response to ‘Teachers Federation slams Perrottet’s plans for teacher recruitment’, Myall Coast NOTA, p6, Thursday 2 February Edition.

Now, more than ever, students and schools across New South Wales need more great people to enter the teaching profession.

There are no silver bullets to the issues facing school workforces, but supported work-study pathways are one way to unlock doors for more aspiring teachers to enter the profession.

Teach For Australia has fourteen years’ experience recruiting talented career changers and graduates, and supporting them to become high-quality teachers in schools where workforce needs are highest.

Leaving an established career to return to full-time tertiary study isn’t possible for some, so alternate pathways help them achieve a career switch that might otherwise be out of reach.

Around Australia, TFA’s 300-plus partner schools value our program as a well-established “tried and tested” pathway that brings high-performing, enthusiastic and dedicated people to their classrooms.

TFA has used our proven experience to develop a bespoke model for NSW schools and is excited that, from 2024, we can offer places in NSW public schools to successful applicants to this two-year Master of Teaching program.

Since 2009, TFA has brought more than 1200 additional teachers to the classroom.

We know 72 percent of TFA Alumni are still teaching and leading classrooms and another twelve percent are in education-related roles.

In our 2022 national cohort, nearly 50 percent are qualified to teach in-demand STEM subjects and 68 percent are career changers who bring additional professional perspectives and skills to their teaching.

We also know our program is succeeding in bringing quality people to the profession because 91 percent of partner school principals tell us they would hire another TFA teacher.

TFA looks forward to working with teachers, principals, the Department of Education and others to deliver a pilot program that is evidence-based, stakeholder-informed and deeply connected to NSW schools.

Recruitment for 2024 places opens on February 13.

More information, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, can be found at www.teachforaustralia.org

Founder and CEO,
Teach For Australia.

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