OPINION: Honest and transparent community engagement

DEAR News Of The Area,

AS a regular reader of your publication, I have noticed that there is a recurring theme in both your articles and correspondence from readers.

This theme is the public’s dissatisfaction with the consultation processes used by governments, councils and other agencies.

In issue 2 Dec 2022, this theme is articulated in the article referring to ‘Grandpas Scrub’ and Bruce Weir’s comments in Letters & Opinions.

In your paper dated 25 Nov 2022, it also highlights issues regarding consultation dissatisfaction relating to the highway by-pass route proposals and also in the article regarding dubious consultation about Forestry Corporation practices.

Even the Mayor, Paul Amos and Gurmesh Singh have raised the spectre of poor consultation issues.

The theme of dissatisfaction is also alluded to in the proposals for the Dorrigo National Park.

If the public feels that a consultation process is disingenuous and an exercise in box ticking for a pre-determined position, there will be resistance.

This resistance leads to a cost in time and money.

It would be nice to think that the authorities could engage honestly and transparently with the public.

This would result in better outcomes, respect for the processes and a general populace that does not feel disenfranchised.


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