OPINION: Happy Christmas

DEAR News Of The Area,

BEING in the happy position of being a minor player in the silly season drama with my family, at this time of the year I tend to reflect on the Christmas story.

It is the story of the human condition, condensed in a fashion which can be appreciated at every level and by every age group.

Starting with the shepherds, total outcasts, the dregs of society, were the first to hear the message, announced by an angel.

In the stable, a teenage mum in an arranged marriage with an older man, victims of Roman bureaucracy, putting the newborn in a feed trough and grateful to share the space with farm animals.

Later, being visited by a group of academics from an alien land with alien customs and religious traditions, who knew what they were seeing transcended the differences.

As the world grows smaller and we grapple with issues of poverty, marginalisation, harsh government policy, refugees and religious bigotry, if you see the Christmas story as the literal truth, half truth or total myth, it is worth a moment of reflection.

And so as we prepare to welcome Santa and his reindeer friends with all the usual excitement.

I will never wish you Happy Holidays.

Best wishes for a happy Christmas,

Margaret ENGLAND,

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