OPINION: Gone to the dogs

DEAR News Of The Area,

What is it with people and their pet dogs these days?

Firstly, they are dogs, not people, so why do so many behave as if their dogs are people?

Is this some psychological problem with these dog owners?

So many dog owners must also be deaf or just plain selfish and self-centred to not hear them barking at all hours of the day and night, sometimes for long periods, other times on and off for shorter periods.

If they are asked about the noise their dog makes, they either ignore you, insist their dog is not that bad (wrong, it is that bad) or perhaps even become confrontational.

The council is totally useless and the police will not do anything.

It is no wonder some people take the law into their own hands.

Could anyone out there that owns a dog tell me why you think it’s ok that your neighbours should listen to this racket?

Going on from this, it seems that quite a lot of people’s kids are not much better, regardless of the school they go to.

More and more, they seem to be clueless, poorly behaved and obnoxiously loud.

Then when they finish with school, so many seem to do nothing, never ending gap years.

What is happening with the kids these days?

Respect appears to be almost non existent these days.

Peter TYLER,
Coffs Harbour.

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