OPINION: Give the foreshore back to the community

DEAR News Of The Area,

IT is with dismay and alarm that I have observed more unauthorised foreshore works still being carried out on our foreshore.

In this latest instance at Corlette, huge sandstone blocks have been situated on the foreshore on public land that belongs to the community.

These sandstone blocks make it almost impossible for us to walk along the foreshore and impossible for a person that has mobility issues.

There are so many instances where owners adjoining the foreshore have taken it upon themselves to ‘reclaim’ beach front land using the reasoning that they are protecting the foreshore and their houses, when in fact they are only extending and enhancing their front yard in most cases on public land.

At the Corlette site I am advised the adjoining owner was issued with a stop work order but continued with the works to completion.

Their reasoning, as with others who have undertaken such works, is that Council will slap my wrist and I will be able to leave the unauthorised works in place.

There have been precedents for this.

I reported, in writing, that in 2021 the owners of adjoining land at Seaview Crescent, Soldiers Point were in the process of installing polythene bags and shade cloth on the foreshore to attempt to in their words ‘stop the erosion and prevent walkers from falling down the embankment’.

This again on public land.

It is well known that micro plastics are contributing to vast amounts of pollution in our oceans and these bags and shade cloth are exposed to ultraviolet light plus wave action.

In addition, wave action from vertical or near vertical solid structures will cause ongoing erosion elsewhere.

End result, more micro plastic in our oceans and more erosion.

The shade cloth remains as do most of the bags.

Port Stephens Council, where are you?

During my working life I was a Compliance Officer with the NSW Office of Water.

This Department had carriage of the Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act.

We, on many, many occasions, issued remediation orders for unauthorised works such as that which has occurred at Corlette and Soldiers Point.

Removal and remediation to the Department’s guidelines (available from Dept Environment and I believe Council also has such guidelines) should be enforced and carried out.

Why does enforcement not seem to happen in the Port Stephens Council area?

Not important perhaps, or do Council Officers not have the fortitude to stand up to people who think they are entitled and privileged in our community?

Give the foreshore back to us so that we may all enjoy a walk along the beach.

You Council, can stop the degradation of our cherished and beautiful shoreline.

Soldiers Point.

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