Opinion: Furore continues over potential police station site

The RAF Park site.


DEAR News Of The Area,

The furore about the location of our new police station goes on and on and on.

For years it was promised by different administrations to be located on flat ‘walk up start’ land in RAF Park Tanilba Bay.

This would dovetail well with our two other emergency services already there, namely the RFS and the Ambulance Service.

What’s more PSSC would give it to the Police Property section FOR FREE, as was the case with the other two sites.

A monumental communications failure now has the Police Property Section telling us that RAF Park “is not known”.

The first thing the community heard about the new station siting was when the police minister, flanked by senior officers, made the announcement outside the currently rented station site in Lemon Tree Passage.

They had just earmarked some $500,000 of the $1,500,000 budget in purchasing an old house in LemonTree Passage which would be demolished for the new station.

Doreen Bradley OAM, a long time campaigner for the station. went public on TV explaining how it was “in the wrong spot.”

Ward Councillor Steve Tucker explained how Council would gift the land but those in power refused to listen.
Why not judge for yourself?

The pictures below show the old house which is sited on a steep slope in Meredith Ave Lemon Tree Passage.

The initial purchase price with demolition costs and site preparation added is well over $500,000.

The other picture is of the RAF Park site.

It is free, flat, with easy access and ‘a builder’s dream’ when it comes to the erection of a station.



The Meredith Avenue Site.

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