OPINION: Economic benefits of Jetty Foreshore revitalisation Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 7, 2022 DEAR News Of The Area, THE draft plan as presented for the Jetty Foreshores in actual fact results in an increase of open space, compared to what is there now. The community has provided its opinion as to what the community wants to happen in the space under review. It is now not a matter of if this should happen or not, it is a matter of the NSW Government producing a final plan, reflective of what the community has proven to indicate they want. The economic benefit to our overall community from the revitalisation of the Jetty Foreshores will be significant, coming at a time when our LGA is facing the deferral of a significant reduction in our Capital Expenses Budget. The younger age bracket who responded to the survey were significantly more in favour of a more comprehensive revitalisation, than those who were in the plus 55 age bracket. This is a meaningful reflection of those more focused on the future of our area, as compared to the predominantly older age bracket who, it is proven, struggle to accept change from what it is that they have previously been used to. Regards, Rodger PRYCE, Brooklana.
Some day the surveys were flawed and purposely so. Why would so many younger people of the area favour the sort of development that has been proposed ? They will never be able to afford any apartments built there. And the children will lose this open space forever. Reply
Sorry Rodger….. have to say that for myself, as one of those in older age brackets, I am NOT against change and development. The amount of actual car parking, despite more open space, will decrease. That, and the growth that our city will undergo, means that …. IMO, and that of many others …… We should be maximising recreational space down there. Besides which there is NO WAY that the residential and tourist accommodation east of the rail line and west of Jordan Esp will turn out to be a MIX of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 or 8 storey buildings as per the draft plan and the model displayed. When I asked at a meeting the representatives for the state government said covenants will take care of it being such as in the draft plan. That is total rubbish. Precedents will be set, you know how those things lead to developers lodging DAs and relying on fitting in with “built form”. What will eventually be built down there is sure to be a row of individual unit blocks that are of uniform height, at medium rise level, bordering on high rise. And sadly staff recommend to councillors to approve DAs that exceed height limits! So, Rodger, I don’t object to anything else in the draft concept Foreshores plan, incl mooted multi-storey development on the site of the old fishing club, and the (supposed three storeys only) redevelopment between the co-op and yacht club. But I am a realist and am absolutely certain that what we have been presented with in the draft concept plan is not what will eventually. Reply