OPINION: Don’t Fence Us In

The courtyard in use at election time.

DEAR News Of The Area,

A NEW updated plan for the Nambucca Library Upgrade project is now on display in Nambucca Library.

Due to the position of power lines and other factors, the original plan has required modification. Hence the updated version.

As far as we know, the fencing off of the new courtyard and gated access, which was on the original plan, still stands.

So the courtyard area will be enclosed by fencing and therefore only be open to the public at times when the library is open or when there is a function in the Small or Main Hall.

The plan, outlined to us many months ago, is that library staff will lock and unlock the gate or gates.

This means that the community gathering space will not be accessible to residents or visitors in the evenings, for most of the weekend or on public holidays.

Unfortunately these are the times when the public is more likely to want to enjoy recreational spaces.

Nambucca Heads is a town attractive to tourists.

How disappointing it will be to see a public space like this, in the middle of our town, which is fenced off and unable to be used except during library hours.

The development is set to cost over $5 million, a sum much higher than was originally estimated, and we were promised a “cultural hub” to serve as a “community meeting place”. The idea of a fenced off area is not conducive to an attractive aesthetic exterior or a community meeting ‘hub’ and seems to go against the prevailing ideas in town planning which are to open up communal areas in town centres.

We can only hope that this “fencing off” idea might be reconsidered in coming months and that this aspect of the plan might also be re-visited.

Marlene GRIFFIN,
Nambucca Heads.

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