OPINION: Diverse Jetty Views

DEAR News Of The Area,

IN relation to future residential development at the Jetty, who do we trust?

Is it the politician – Gurmesh Singh?

He tells Andrea Ferrari (‘Too early for finer details on Jetty Foreshores plan’, Coffs Coast NOTA, January 13 edition, p7) that it’s “too early” but somehow he already has his own views that “we are likely to see a mix of types of short-term stay accommodation” at the Jetty.

Gurmesh is supported by Cath Fowler from the Jetty Project Steering Committee who (in the same article) tells us that the character of the Jetty area will somehow “be retained” even with “six-storey” and “four-storey” development.

Or, is it Bruce Weir who (in the same article) raises the point that development at the Jetty should follow the Compact City Policy and “celebrate the harbour as a playground”?

Weir’s opinion is supported by people like Rev R. Graham Whelan who sees the Mayor’s plan – for zero residential development at the Jetty – to be far superior to that proposed by Mr Singh.

In Whelan’s letter (again Friday January 13, 2023) he tells us of his “main concern”; that the revised Jetty Foreshore Plan is a “devious document” because Mr Singh’s people can make changes to the Jetty Plan, “in its absolute discretion at any time without notice”.

Who would you trust?

Bonville. Q

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