OPINION: Did Council ever consider what was being taken from the community?

DEAR News Of The Area,

I HAVE been following the Nambucca Heads new library development and I would add my voice to the concerns raised by those who have issues about the whole project.

I find it hard to understand why so much money has been invested in ripping down a useful, valued structure as the small hall.

It was used by many community groups and I attended many get-togethers of community interests there.

Where do these groups go now?

The new space to be offered will not replace what was lost or the access to it.

Did Council ever consider what was being taken from the community?

Many times I assisted in helping elderly or those with mobility problems out of transport that could be safely parked in the courtyard whilst they got off to attend a concert.

I suppose now they risk life and limb getting out on the speedway that rips past the entertainment centre.

How long can a vehicle park safely on that road whilst unloading people or equipment before an inattentive driver ploughs into the back of their vehicle?

Why did the library take precedent over the other venues?

A huge amount of money has been spent or will be owing on this project.

With a bit of thought the library could have been moved to another spot and its existing space used for other purposes.

Perhaps an active craft and learning centre would be one idea, at much less money.

I understand the importance to the community of a library, but not at the cost of other venues.

I also understand the need to beautify the area of the existing halls and courtyard, but it would not have needed millions of dollars to do.

We have some great Indigenous artists in this community, they could have done some wonderful art work perhaps in the existing, or was existing courtyard.

I wonder what other projects that could have been thought of instead of spending millions on the library at the cost of two other venues.

Hopefully the great little boardwalk, used by many, no longer in use near Bellwood will be replaced soon, if funding allows.

I hope next time Council has the carrot of dollars dangled in front of them they will assess what we lose when going all out on a project without evaluating what we had and listening to the concerns of so many ratepayers I heard speak at a Council meeting.

Kind regards,
Rhonda DAVIES,
Nambucca Heads.

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