OPINION: Concerns over Jetty Revitalisation disclaimer

DEAR News Of The Area,

MY Ministry is to care for the people of Coffs Harbour.

The News Of The Area article (p1/2 December 30 Edition, Coffs Coast NOTA) concerning the revised Jetty Foreshores Plan conceals a powerful delusion deceiving the people of Coffs Harbour.

The article purports idyllic tranquil “green spaces” but is actually a smoke screen for unlimited development which cannot be questioned.

When you read the opening comments in the revised plan, you read:

“The community has indicated strong support for the NSW Government to proceed with the planning for the revitalisation of the Jetty Foreshore, to add new local regional attractions and public domain improvements while delivering broad economic benefits for Coffs Harbour.

“Development will add vitality, activity and appeal to the region, stimulating sustainable economic benefits and delivering public realm upgrades with a unique, local character to maintain the current sense of community.”

The above is untrue – it does not honour the people of our community.

I say this because of the Disclaimer on the last page.

My main concern is that the Disclaimer is a blunt, uncaring authoritarian and devious statement.

I have included some quotes from the Disclaimer: “DPE reserves the right to make changes to its projects and activities in its absolute discretion at any time without notice.

“To the extent permitted by law, DPE disclaims any liability whatsoever in connection with, reliance upon or the use of this document.”

Further: “there are occasions where there may be delays, errors, or omissions, and although reasonable care is taken, no representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy of suitability or the information, maps, diagrams or other products.”

Unbelievable! Please read the Plan carefully and weep!

Many letters have been written expressing concerns.

Helen Oliver (2 September and 14 October 2022) had great difficulty trying to find surveys and results.

It took her quite a while.

I believe the surveys will have the same impact for the people as the petition against the ‘Green Building’.

Over 16,000 said no – but were ignored!

Will we be ignored again?

In the letter, ‘Coffs Harbour, you deserve better’ by Ann Leonard on 30 December, she mentions the planning for the urbanisation is well underway.

She mentions “6 to 8 storey buildings and 900 to 2,000 residents”. When you have so many people – each unit having one or two cars – with many of the garages filled with boxes etc and not cars as so many people today seem to do – where are the cars going to be parked?

In the street?

Where do the families and visitors of the area park?

There is not enough space now – or on the proposed plan.

The Disclaimer above is uncaring blatant dictatorial arrogance.

I raise another question, how will the extra vehicles get out of the precinct without the infrastructure i.e., roads, to exit the area – we need another exit area.

The Mayor’s Plan is far superior for the people and harbour of Coffs Harbour.

Rev Dr. Graham WHELAN (Padre) OAM,
Coffs Harbour Jetty.

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