OPINION: Cards on the table regarding Jetty Foreshore plan

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE 30/12/22 NOTA issue has an article on the Jetty Foreshore revised plan, including elements of private residential development.

Cr Rodger Pryce is quoted in the article in reference to his estimate of the likely income ($10M) to NSW from selling foreshore land, to enable this to happen.

His estimate may be correct.

What is unexplained is that to date no one has had the honesty to come forward and say that is what Property and Development NSW (PDNSW) are planning to do – sell off the land.

A simple request for a bit of honesty.

If PDNSW is taking the decision-making away from the City Council (as they state) will they please have the decency to make clear that this is what they will do?

Will our Local Member state that he supports selling the land?

Will any candidates for his position in the March election make clear their position on this?

Given that the funds for the proposed improvements are said to be generated via development, there must be a financial model with some detail.

Sale of Jetty Foreshore public land for private residential development.

Yes or no.



Black and white.

We have heard enough obfuscation.

C’mon, cards on the table.

Coffs Harbour.

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