OPINION: Behaviour starts at home

DEAR News Of The Area,

I, along with thousands of other folk, wholeheartedly feel that the major problems with the youth of today stem from their upbringing.

Don’t feel bad that your child doesn’t like you today because you said ‘no’.

Your job as a parent isn’t to be liked after saying no, your job is to raise a decent, respectful, kind and responsible human.

Think for a moment about how many struggles, how many battles, how much sadness, happiness, love stories and hope for the future that your ancestors had to undergo for you to exist in this present moment.

Respect is the most important element of personality.

It is like an investment; whatever you give to others it will return to you threefold.

As I have mentioned before, bring back compulsory National Service for both males and females as they do overseas.

Why? Because it works.

It may cost the government, but we will be rewarded.

Strong youth aren’t simply born, they are made by the storms they walk through.

Phyllis TAYLOR,
Coffs Harbour.

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