OPINION: Attitudes on Jetty Foreshores development

DEAR News Of The Area,

CATH Fowler’s letter on the Jetty Foreshores development says a lot about the attitude that has led to the plans currently before the community of Coffs Harbour.

She claims that State Election candidates Sally Townley and Tony Judge are hypocritical for supporting the sale of a car park and an office building in the Coffs CBD but opposing land sales at the Jetty Foreshores.

In doing so, she equates a car park and an office block with land at our iconic Jetty Foreshores.

Ms Fowler, a member of the Jetty Foreshores Project Steering and Advisory Committee, has inadvertently shown the real problem with the Jetty Foreshores project.

It has been driven by an attitude that all land is the same, a commodity that only has value when it can be bought, traded and developed for sale.

Not something that has value in itself, or as a community asset, just an item to be used for profit or exchange.

When you see the development through that perspective it’s easy to see how the current plans and all the problems they pose have evolved.

Thankfully, I believe the community has a very different attitude to the Jetty Foreshores. They see it as an area that we can all enjoy for relaxation and an escape from a growing city, not a space to be sold and locked up in private residential development.

I hope we all vote accordingly.


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