OPINION: Are some councillors blind to their double standards?

DEAR News Of The Area,

WHEN it comes to the community led Jetty Foreshores Masterplan, some councillors are oblivious to how hypocritical their arguments against it come across.

Especially those councillors, turned State Candidates, who so vocally supported Yarrila Place.

There’s a false narrative created that PDNSW is planning to sell off land to roll in cash.
This isn’t true.

The State Government made a clear commitment to reinvest proceeds back into the precinct.

They’ve started with a $20m investment including the $5m community building.

Council themselves in a recent Council meeting sold off Council land in the CBD, and they sold Rigby House last year. Both of these sales are planned to go towards paying for some of Yarrila Place.

Assuming the State Government is selling the land, is just that right now – an assumption.

What’s to say the State Government won’t take an approach we’ve seen Council take in recent years with the Airport?

Entering into 99 year lease arrangements, that still allows important investment to be made into our LGA, but the ownership of the land stays in Government hands.

When justifying the Cultural and Civic Space (Yarrila Place), the community was told we had no choice but to have council offices if we wanted a new library, museum and gallery.

What we’re seeing in the Council building is about half of it being unusable by the public.

The Jetty Foreshore Masterplan only has three percent suggested as tourist accommodation and 1.5% for residential accommodation.

Leaving the bulk of the revitalisation as amazing, improved and safe activated public spaces.

When I asked Council staff about the inclusion of council offices in the CCS I was told it was a means to ‘activate the space’.

The inclusion of a small amount of residential and tourist accommodation in the Jetty Foreshores activates the space seven days a week, provides greater safety through passive surveillance, improves parking and traffic flow, adds green open spaces, and food and beverage choices.

So why are State Election Candidates Sally Townley and Tony Judge so hypocritical when it comes to the Jetty Foreshores, which has far more demonstrated public support than the CCS?

As a member of PSAC, who follows very closely what the community has said they want to see at the foreshores, the refined master plan aligns with the communities wishes.

Enough of the political point scoring.

Our local member, Gurmesh Singh and the team at PDNSW, have ensured our community has been listened to, in the most extensive community consultation our town has ever seen.

After watching how little regard these councillors have for what our community is telling them, as evident by only fifteen percent of respondents stating the community needs are understood in a recent Council Scorecard, it should come as no surprise that I firmly believe Gurmesh Singh is the right person to lead us forward to a prosperous and flourishing city.

He has our family’s vote on 25 March.

Boambee East.

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