OPINION: April Fools or reality?

DEAR News Of The Area,

AT first I thought it was the first day of April not the first day of Spring when I read your frontpage headline last week (Council Rebrand).

What an exciting and innovative idea.

The rebranding of ‘Coffs Harbour City Council’ to the ‘City of Coffs Harbour’.

Fantastic to read that our new GM hasn’t just rearranged the furniture like past new council leaders.

No way, Ms Cowley has gone straight to attack the biggest problem we face.

Was it public transport?


Almost the highest Council Rates in the country?

Empty shops throughout the CBD?

Fourteen sets of traffic lights and still no bypass?

Kilometres of potholed local roads ?

Record youth unemployment?

Not even a mention of the biggest problem, that we appear to be skint and unable to pay for the council’s new Taj Mahal?

But don’t worry.

Soon we will be known as the ‘City of Coffs Harbour’.

How good is that?

We have certainly come a long way since we were known as the Banana Republic.

Can I take the liberty of making a suggestion?

Is it too late for the council to modify ‘Knight’s Nightmare’ and redesign it as a Cathedral?

That way our City status could be totally justified.


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