OPINION: A new War Memorial for the town of Woolgoolga


DEAR News Of The Area,

THE recent article in News Of The Area about rebuilding the old WW1 War Memorial failed to engender much local interest.

From my discussion with people, the main point of contention is that the old war memorial is not in keeping with the modern image that Woolgoolga wishes to present to the world.

Many local residents would like to see a war memorial in the town around which those special days could be commemorated.

The position of the present War Memorial does not attract any interest, and is almost hidden, rather than being in an open position.

There are many people who visit war memorials for very personal reasons, and to quietly reflect upon a lost family member’s life.

This is impossible at the present position.

Could I suggest that the Council investigate the possibility of building a new War Memorial for the town of Woolgoolga.

One which is positioned in the middle of the town.

In keeping with the modern look for the town, could I suggest it be made from polished concrete, possibly black or dark grey in colour.

Built in a semicircle with a sweeping curvature reminiscent of a wave.

The names of known local warriors who have made the ultimate sacrifice could be engraved into it.

Space should be allowed for future amendments in the case of future conflicts, or, indeed, to honour any local people lost in various conflicts since WW1.

The Sikh community must be involved.

If a memorial were built in the manner described above, its footprint would be minimal, and if positioned near the centre of town in a grassed area, it could be used as the centre-point for commemorations as well as a quiet place for personal reflection.

Corindi Beach.

One thought on “OPINION: A new War Memorial for the town of Woolgoolga

  1. Given that there has been minimal local support for refurbishing the original WW1 memorial, I think that a modern memorial along the lines as suggested my Mr Weyling is an excellent idea and deserves strong local support.

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