OPINION: A moment of sanity

DEAR News Of The Area,

At last!

A voice of sanity regarding the Civic and Cultural Centre (Yarrila).

Thank you, Aloisia Fenyes, I thought I was a voice crying in the wilderness.

I have supported the Gordon Street project from the beginning, attracting a great deal of printed vitriol and even hate mail, however, for every nasty letter there would be half a dozen people to stop me in the street to voice their agreement with my views.

It is simply not true to say that no one wants the Civic and Cultural Centre to go ahead and time will prove its worth.
Every council has its budget, addressing the multiple needs of the community it serves, and the cultural takes its place alongside sporting, educational, public works, the disadvantaged etc.

If the entire Council budget were to be spent on homelessness in Coffs Harbour the amount would be a drop in the bucket against the real need, which calls for some stringent shifts in policy at both state and federal levels, starting with unscrupulous developers.

In the meantime I rejoice to see the building taking shape and look forward to the wonderful exhibitions in the art gallery which attract visitors to the city, as well as a library where we can linger without feeling we are occupying undue space, not to mention a genuine museum – and all right in the heart of the city.

Yes, bring it on.

Margaret ENGLAND,

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