OPINION: A blot on the area

DEAR News Of The Area,

I SHARE the concern of those readers who have written recently about their concerns over the future of the Jetty Foreshores area to the south of Marina Drive.

However I believe of more immediate concern is the disgraceful state of the “paddock” on the north side of Marina Drive.

True, there are a few probably homeless people who have set up tents among the trees near the railway but what should be totally unacceptable to both Coffs Harbour Council and the State Government is the large number of caravans and motorhomes now treating this waste ground as a free caravan park.

One can only imagine where these “holiday makers” go when they need toilet facilities after the toilet block near Jetty Beach is locked each evening!

This is a huge parcel of waste ground which – with or without freeloaders – is a blot on the area.

I call on Council and the relevant state authority to put their heads together forthwith to develop a plan to use the area to create a mini housing estate focusing primarily on permanent housing for low income and (currently) homeless people.

Coffs Coast.

One thought on “OPINION: A blot on the area

  1. I totally agree! And to think developers want to put housing at the jetty for the elite few when you see so many people struggling to just put a roof over their heads is absolutely disgusting.

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