Opening soon: new tertiary study hub for Gloucester

The Gloucester Study Hub being prepared.

REGULAR readers of Gloucester News of the Area who have noticed full page advertisements about a soon to open Gloucester Study Hub, might have wondered what such a hub is all about.

It is part of the Taree University Campus (TUC), which was established in 2020 as part of the Regional University Centres initiative.

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Regional and remote students can use the hub to support their study of tertiary courses at any Australian institution.

“TUC aims to make higher education accessible to people in the MidCoast community by offering support, facilities, and services to students enrolled in university or TAFE programs (predominantly online),” said a spokesperson for TUC.

“Our mission focuses on supporting students from enrolment to graduation, enabling them to pursue higher education without leaving their community.

“This is reflected in our tagline ‘Go Further Close To Home’.”

TUC provides a range of facilities which are free to all registered students.

These include study spaces with computers and high-speed Wi-Fi, video conferencing, a kitchen, and secure access seven days a week, from early morning until late at night.

TUC partners with several Australian universities, including the University of Newcastle, Charles Sturt University, the University of New England, and Central Queensland University, but supports all students studying further tertiary education, both at university and TAFE.

“While TUC doesn’t directly offer tutoring, it does provide mentoring and student coaching to guide them through their academic journey, and this includes personalised advice on degree pathways, and connecting students to other support networks commonly provided by the student’s University or TAFE,” said the TUC spokesperson.

The Gloucester hub will be located in the Majestic Arcade at 7/78 Church Street, Gloucester, and TUC staff will be on site several days a week to assist students.

TUC hopes that the hub will open early in 2025.

With many of Gloucester High School’s 2024 year 12 students planning on a tertiary education, it will no doubt be a timely and welcome development.


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