Open and working hard, week one at Tea Gardens Public School

Sarah and Koby Franks in Kindergarten Class of 2020.

“Working hard and open for business,” stated Mr Mark Clemson, the principal of the Tea
Gardens Public School who is describing the first week of term one. This week, 23 new
students started school, including 5 year old Sarah Selby, the youngest of three sisters who
now all attend the local school. “I like my friends and the canteen,” Sarah told NOTA while
she was being enthusiastically shown around the school by her big sisters, Lily (8 years old)
and Emily (6 years old).

A priority this year is student wellbeing which involves everyone building a positive,
inclusive and collaborative school culture underpinned by the values of safety, respect and
personal best. Mark Clemson informed NOTA that, “Wellbeing is important, together with
ensuring that our education and teaching services are evidence-based. This all has a lasting
and positive impact on our students.”.

In school sports, the first event for 2020 is the local swimming carnival on 5 February, with
follow-up representation to the Port Stephens Zone swimming carnival on the 19 February.

The school is also participating in the NSW Primary School Association Knockouts with teams
training for cricket, football, rugby league and netball.

The school street view has been improved with new signage, three new flag poles and
paving. The school’s Memorial Rock will be relocated adjacent to a new open learning space
with outdoor seating. “We need to celebrate our environment and our community,” Mark
stated, “and our school is an active part of both.”


By Sandra MURRAY


Sarah (centre) being shown around the school by big sisters, Lily (8) and Emily (6)


First day at school for Sarah Selby (5), last of four at Tea Gardens Primary School.

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