‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Opinion Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 5, 2025 DEAR Jasminda, MY husband insists on having the car window down whereas I much prefer the aircon. How can we come to a compromise? Nina L. Dear Nina, I’m not sure how old you are but many readers may be old enough to remember when cars had no air conditioning, just windows that you wound down with a handle. The only option was to be blasted with hot air or to be cooked from the inside. Travel was a misery with only a hand-held fan or misting from a water bottle to relieve the agony. Looking back, it seems incredible that we survived. Because of this, I’m with you. I love the luxury of an air-conditioned car where my hair is gently caressed instead of being whipped across my face, the music is at a comfortable volume, and random objects don’t fly through the window. You could let your husband know that his wound-down window is winding you up and the noise it creates does terrible things to your ears. If you whinge long enough, the noise you create will do terrible things to his ears, and I’m confident he will decide that an air-conditioned car is far preferable to the alternative. Carpe diem, Jasminda.