‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Opinion Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 9, 2025 DEAR Jasminda, We have a family of magpies that visit each day and my daughter has started feeding them. They are becoming very familiar and have even started coming into the house. Should we encourage this friendship? Helene G Dear Helene, Magpies are incredibly smart and social creatures and they can be an absolute delight to have in your garden. Their warbling chorus is as characteristically Australian as the raucous laughter of kookaburras. On the other hand, magpies can be territorial assailants, swooping and attacking screaming children and cyclists who dare to venture in their path. It sounds as though you’ve made friends with your magpies and they have made your home theirs. As an interesting aside, magpies have exceptional memories and recognise faces, so they know your daughter and they now associate her with their meal ticket. The problem is, when wildlife becomes dependent on humans, it can cause all sorts of issues. Many people feed birds thinking they are doing something positive, but there are many foods that they shouldn’t eat. Magpies, for example, should not be fed many of the common foods people feed them such as mince, cheese or bread. Feeding them also impacts their behaviour, as you have found, with this well-fed family of magpies coming into your home and expecting a free meal when they should be outside honing their survival skills. The best option is to have plenty of water for the birds and other wildlife in your garden and let them do their own hunting and gathering. That way you can enjoy their antics and sounds while knowing you aren’t harming them in any way. Carpe diem, Jasminda.