‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

I’VE recently started a new job where I am the manager of some people who are a lot older than I am. They’ve started making digs about how I have no life experience and how they have degrees from the school of hard knocks.

It is getting to the point where it is becoming unbearable to go to work.

It’s my dream job that I’ve been working towards for a long time.


Kylie B.

Dear Kylie,

Co-workers can make a workplace like a second home or they can make it an absolute misery.

When we spend most of our waking hours at work, it can be devastating to find out that your abilities are being questioned by others.

It happens all the time and it is unfortunate that even though companies have clear Codes of Conduct and expectations regarding mutual respect, it can be a jungle out there.

I’m sure it is clear to you that these people have their collective noses out of joint at the idea of being managed by someone younger and more qualified.

I’m sure it is also clear to you that there is a bit of a mob mentality happening.

They are engaging in nothing less than bullying, and you certainly don’t need to put up with it.

I would speak to the more reasonable person in this group (if there is one) on their own, let them know you are aware of what is going on, and that you won’t be putting up with it.

I’m sure they value their job.

If the behaviour continues, you will need to speak to your manager or a trusted colleague. They will also be able to be a witness to the behaviour.

The situation may require mediation.

Nipping this in the bud sooner rather than later is important.

I know I can usually be relied upon to show a bit of humour, but workplace bullying is no laughing matter.

Carpe diem,

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