‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

Every time I go through airport security, I get checked.

It’s now a family joke that I’ll be held back.

I’m starting to get a complex.

Harry B.

Dear Harry,

I’m not sure if you are seeking my help here or merely stating a fact.

There could be a reason you are always frisked by guards and sniffed by German shepherds.

You look guilty and now you feel guilty which makes your dilemma a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I have this problem because I’m a nervous flier.

I’m so nervous that I drop my bag and passport when I’m trying to check in, I sweat as though I’m a drug mule, and I have nervous mannerisms such as running and screaming ‘it’s too windy; the plane is going to crash’ which doesn’t endear me to flight staff or fellow passengers.

Try to be super organised before your flight, which will help to relax you.

Also try to allow enough time for a few beverages or perhaps sniff some calming lavender, which will do very little to help, but at least you’ll smell nice.

Carpe Diem,

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