‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

IN the upcoming State elections we all need to make a choice.

Last week, after listening to the views of the many local candidates on the subject of Climate Change and what they were prepared to offer this community, I am in a quandary. Do I vote for the one who reads the script and follows the party line, or the candidate that says the right thing, but doesn’t really commit, or the one who has a fire in the belly and is passionate about making a difference? Possibly knowing that my vote won’t change anything.

Eliza W

Dear Eliza,

Good on you for giving your vote so much consideration.

We are in the fortunate position of being able to democratically elect eligible representatives in a relatively civil process.

It’s great you’ve taken the time to listen to the candidates’ views and where they stand on something you are passionate about.

Now, I’m not in any position to tell you how to vote, but let’s use the good old democracy sausage to guide us.

Eliza, if you were to purchase a democracy sausage, would you want one with a name that doesn’t match the ingredients?

Would you like your sausage parachuted in at the last minute?

Would you prefer a better-the-devil-you-know sausage or one you haven’t tried before?

Do you want a sausage that considers animal sentience?

Do you throw your sausage away without giving it much thought?

Only you can know what your core values are and which party best represents them.

By looking up the policies of each party in your electorate, you’ll be able to make an informed decision.

Thankfully we live in a country where every vote counts.

We should all make the most of that opportunity.

Carpe diem, Jasminda.

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