‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

My husband has decided to embrace personal growth, and I don’t mean getting out in nature or reading an inspiring book.

He’s letting his hair grow (nostrils, ears, etc.).

I’m not enjoying it.

Deanne P.

Dear Deanne,

We all have personal tastes when it comes to levels of hairiness.

Some like themselves and their partners freshly shorn with no hair visible on any body part.

Others decide to denude certain parts of their body so navigating them is like traversing a path in an otherwise overgrown forest.

Others, and I fear your husband falls into this camp, refuse to tamper with nature with a live and let live motto that’s endearing if you like that sort of thing, and just another chore if your hirsute partner sheds in bathtubs, sinks and on furniture and you spend your time wondering if you married an Alaskan Malamute. The whole hipster movement has a lot to answer for with those thick beards that look as though they have tried and failed to swallow a bushy-tailed woodrat.

You coud try to mimic his new resolution and see if he enjoys a wife with hairy legs and armpits, or you could offer some subtle grooming suggestions or gifts such as a manscaping kit complete with nose and ear trimmer.

Hair in the nostrils and ears does serve a function by keeping dust and debris out of those cavities, but it doesn’t need to protrude.

If he remains adamant, perhaps you could give him a quick groom while he’s asleep.

Just don’t slip or you’ll have a whole new set of issues to deal with.

Carpe diem, Jasminda.

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