‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

I’ve recently had the flu and so my husband has been sleeping in the office.

The thing is, I’ve been sleeping better than I have in years.

There is no one pulling the covers off me.

I don’t get cold. I can’t hear his snoring.

How should I approach speaking to him about keeping this arrangement?

Miriam L.

Dear Miriam,

I know of many couples who no longer share a bed and they seem to be thriving for reasons very similar to the ones you’ve outlined.

Some have gone a step further and moved into separate residences, rekindling the romance in their relationship by inviting each other over for meals.

Poor sleep can have an impact on many things including your attention span, your mood, your decision-making ability, and your overall health.

Perhaps your husband’s quality of sleep has also improved.

If you are worried about losing your romantic attachment to each other, remind yourself that there is very little romance in wanting to throttle your partner because he snores like a freight train. Perhaps you could have sleepovers or sneak into each other’s rooms to keep things exciting. You’ll probably have a lot more energy if you are both sleeping soundly.

Carpe diem,

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