‘On the couch’ with Jasminda



DEAR Jasminda,

My pushy sisters want us to all put in money for an experience for Christmas and they want to go hot air ballooning.

They know I’m scared of heights but they say it will be character building.

I’m happy to put money in for them to go, but I don’t want to take part.

What should I do?

Marni Y.


Dear Marni,

Some people love the thrill of roller coasters or bungee jumping or white water rafting or swimming with sharks, and others prefer a movie voucher or a massage, or a couple of good books.

We are all different and Christmas is a time to embrace that. I think your sisters sound controlling.

I doubt very much they are doing this to build your character.

I reckon they are doing it for their own amusement.

Tell them they can do whatever they like and you will use the money that you were going to put into their present for another cause.

You could donate the money to a charity or you could spend it on pina coladas or perhaps some therapy to work out why your sisters are trying to push you out of your comfort zone.

Or, you could say that you’ll participate in the hot ballooning adventure, but that you will probably have a panic attack at 2000 feet due to your fear of heights which will result in you thrashing around a lot, screaming and potentially trying to jump out of the balloon, which may dampen their enjoyment of the majestic views over wine country.

End the conversation with, ‘It’s your choice, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Heck, maybe it will be character building for all of us.’

Say this while tapping your fingers on the kitchen counter with a sinister look on your face, followed by a creepy smile.

I reckon they’ll quickly resort to being a bit more understanding, and will perhaps consider your feelings more carefully in the future.

Carpe diem, Jasminda.

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