‘On the couch’ with Jasminda


DEAR Jasminda,

MY partner has great taste in decor.

In fact, he considers himself a bit of an interior designer.

And I agree with him.

To a point.

In the master bedroom (the one we sleep in) he has a very large painting of what can only be described as two animals making love.

When I say animals, I mean a sheep and a llama.

I find this extremely off-putting to the point where I only try to initiate romance in the loungeroom (where the artwork is a series of sea-themed paintings).

Kimmy L.


Dear Kimmy,

The fact that the first thing I did was to look up whether that hybrid was possible, maybe says more about me than your partner.

I was unsuccessful; however, you can cross a llama with a camel (known as a cama).

A rather moody animal apparently, which is little wonder.

Personally, I like abstract artwork in bedrooms (though not as abstract as the image I conjure with the sheep/llama combo and their baby shama offspring).

There are definitely some no-go zones in what adorns a bedroom wall.

Family portraits can be very unpalatable – particularly when they include Uncle Roger.

Religious artefacts, you know the Virgin Mary, Jesus on a Cross, Moses parting the seas, are better placed in another location, although I think a Buddha statue could be quite calming.

I’m sure your partner could integrate this with some wind chimes, prayer flags, a mandala bedspread and some incense (all these can be purchased off Etsy, which seems a bit kitsch, but there you go).

You know, the best bet for bedrooms is subdued lighting (candles are lovely), natural hues, and lots of plants.

Artwork is very subjective and, as you’ve found, not always conducive to creating the right mood.

PS: Your partner sounds odd.

Carpe diem,

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