‘On the couch’ with Jasminda


DEAR Jasminda,

Whereas most people are rushing to the hairdresser now they are open again, my husband says he has come to terms with his new, unkempt look and has accepted this as the way he should be.

My problem is he is starting to look like Mick Taylor out of Wolf Creek and frankly it’s giving me nightmares.

Mrs Ivana M.

Dear Ivana,
Your name conjures up a very sophisticated woman with perfectly manicured nails, a stylish hairstyle and designer outfits, who married a sadistic and psychopathic lunatic (no, not Mick Taylor … the other one).

Having said that, as your namesake discovered, you aren’t a good match for a man who looks more like a beast than a beau.

I understand that we’ve all let ourselves go during lockdown, though for some of us who still had to attend Zoom meetings, we have managed to stay relatively tidy, at least from the waist up.

Ironically, I have felt a certain freedom in being masked.

Once you don a pair of sunglasses, you really could be anyone.

It’s been liberating to go to the shops without makeup, and gradually other standards have slipped.

Recently I’ve taken to shaving my legs up to the edge of my three-quarter length activewear pants.

What a timesaver!

Alas, all good things must come to an end, and for most of us, it’s time to smarten up a bit.

It’s great that your husband feels comfortable in his own skin, and though Confucius said that ‘Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it’, I’m not sure that quote extends to mutton chop sideburns, protruding nasal and ear hair and eyebrows that would make John Howard shudder.

If your husband is willing to embrace his new look, perhaps you could give him a taste of what it’s like and let everything go au naturale.

I think he’ll get the message soon enough, and you can stop having nightmares of being chased and garrotted by a madman.

Carpe diem, Jasminda.

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