‘On the couch’ with Jasminda


DEAR Jasminda,

I still have some unvaccinated friends and so I feel it will be distasteful to post photos of our picnics when those friends are still on a waiting list.

What do you think?

Mrs Patricia

Dear Patricia,

First there was FOMO and now there is Look At Those Holier-Than-Thou People Who Managed To Get a Vaccine in the Regions Even Though Half of Them Were Sent to Sydney, which is the most ridiculous acronym ever, but seems to be a fair assessment of the current situation where there are people who definitely don’t want to be vaccinated, people who managed to get an early vaccination, and people who are very keen to be vaccinated but keep getting ‘try again’ messages and possibly will only be able to have a picnic in December, when everyone is completely over cucumber sandwiches and cob loaf and Prosecco and they all just want to stop socialising and be back indoors again.

Having said that, yes, I do think it would be incredibly distasteful to post photos of your Picnic for Vaccinated Friends post complete with your vaccination certificates, some selfies with the local law enforcement, and George Michael’s Freedom playing in the background.

If you are one of the ones lucky enough to be in the position for outdoor frivolities with friends, don’t be too smug about it.

No one likes a show-off.

Carpe diem, Jasminda.

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