Nude calendar featuring Nambucca Valley blokes supports Time2Talk

Ashleigh Greaves, owner and operator of the Quick Stop Barber Shop, getting behind a great cause by producing a clever and tasteful nude calendar using regular local blokes.

ONE very community minded Nambucca Valley business owner has taken a very novel approach to support a cause that is important to her.

Ashleigh Greaves, owner and operator of the Quick Stop Barber Shop on Giinagay Way, North Macksville, is passionate about mental health in her community.

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“Through my business I have come into contact with so many people, mostly men, who have been touched by mental health issues or are struggling with their own mental health,” Ashleigh told New Of The Area.

“I heard of an amazing local charity called Time2Talk who were helping people with mental health issues and wanted to raise money and keep it local so I set about coming up with a way to raise money for them and, with the help of photographer Matt Baker of OutaMedia, a locally produced nude calendar was born.”

Time2Talk, formally known as Nambucca Valley RUOK?, is a not-for-profit fully volunteer run organisation established by five local parents, Danny Doolan (President), Elisse Chapman from Uniting Youth Services (Treasurer), Gemma Rostron (Secretary), Corinne Luffman and Minna Pritchard, all of whom have been personally affected by mental health concerns in some way.

Since 2016 they have raised over $50,000 for RUOK? to raise mental health awareness.

So overwhelmed with the support and encouragement received, they decided to start their own not-for-profit (Time2Talk) so that funds raised could be spent locally on events, information sessions and also mental health courses.

Time2Talk are still supported by RUOK? and work closely with them.

Ashleigh Greaves set about convincing local men to pose nude, noting that none of the images are too revealing and are all in good taste and in good humor.

After a number of men saying ‘hell no’ to appearing in the calendar, Ashleigh was able to convince twelve regular local blokes, all of whom wanted to support Time2Talk, to pose for the calendar.

“We are very privileged that Ashleigh and Matt have chosen to support our organisation,” Time2Talk’s Elisse Pope told News Of The Area.

What Ashleigh needs now is for the public to also get behind Time2Talk by purchasing the calendar.

Sure to put a smile on your face while supporting a great cause, they are available at Lucy Fru Fru in Macksville, Local Liquor Nambucca Heads, AnyTime Fitness Nambucca Heads, Solitude Health, Connective Fitness and the Quick Stop Barber Shop.

Those wanting one can also message Quick Stop Barber Shop via Facebook and request calendars to be posted to you.


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