NSW Governor Margaret Beazley visiting Port Stephens

NSW Governor Margaret Beazley and Mr Dennis Wilson.

HER Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC, KC, Governor of New South Wales, and Mr Dennis Wilson will be visiting Maitland, Raymond Terrace, Port Stephens and Tea Gardens from Wednesday, 26 June to Friday, 28 June 2024.

Community leadership, health, sustainability, industry, education, volunteering and art will be on the agenda during the visit.

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“We are delighted to be visiting the Hunter, Australia’s leading regional economy, with its wonderful community spirit, precious heritage assets and stunning natural landscapes,” Mrs Beazley said.

“Dennis and I look forward to engaging with local people, businesses and organisations in the days ahead.”

Beginning in Maitland, the Governor and Mr Wilson will engage with a presentation by Maitland City Council, afterwards visiting Carrie’s Place, which has provided domestic and family violence and homelessness services to the community since 1979.

Later, as Patrons, they will meet with members of Maitland and Port Stephens Parkinson’s Support Groups.

The Governor and Mr Wilson will participate in an industry breakfast with Hunter Defence, before returning to Maitland Showground to learn more about Slow Food Hunter Valley, a volunteer organisation supporting biodiversity, sustainability, advocacy and education.

They will also discover the story ‘Behind the ‘Ugg’ at the Mortels Sheepskin Factory.

In Raymond Terrace, the Governor and Mr Wilson will meet with Port Stephens Council for breakfast, before joining Seaham Public School students to learn about the School Parliament program.

Later, they will meet volunteers and staff of Marine Rescue Port Stephens, before visiting the Port Stephens Fisheries Institute and learning about the work of staff and volunteers at Port Stephens Koala Hospital.

In the evening, the Governor and Mr Wilson will host a Vice Regal reception at Maitland Town Hall to thank community leaders and representatives.

Margaret Joan Beazley, AC, KC, is an Australian jurist who is the 39th and current Governor of New South Wales, serving since 2nd May 2019.

She was previously the President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal, the first woman to hold the office, from 2013 until February 2019.

On the final day of their program, the Governor and Mr Wilson will meet with community artists from the Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest and Myall River areas at Galleries in the Gardens, before joining volunteers of Tea Gardens Hawks Nest branch of the Red Cross for lunch.

By Simon EKINS

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