NSW Gov splits Department of Planning and Environment

NSW Premier Chris Minns last week announced that the Department of Planning and Environment will become two new departments to better deliver on the Government’s priorities of addressing the energy challenges, climate change, the environment and housing.

From 1 January 2024, the Department of Planning and Environment will be split into two new dedicated entities, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

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The new departments will be joined by the Office of Energy and Climate Change, which is currently in Treasury.
There will be no changes to Ministerial portfolios.

The changes have been made following a detailed review and analysis of services and programs.

The Public Sector Review is ongoing and any further machinery of government changes will take place post the budget.

The 2023-24 Budget and Appropriations Bill will be presented on 19 September on the basis of current administrative arrangements.

All changes to machinery of government covered in last week’s announcement, due to take effect from 1 January, will be reflected in full in the 2024-25 Budget.

“The new Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water pulls together the collective environmental expertise of government into one place – creating a team ready to tackle one of our biggest challenges in energy security,” NSW Premier Chris Minns said.

“The changes announced today will also provide a renewed focus and deep expertise to address the housing crisis.”

Minister for Climate Change, Energy and Environment Penny Sharpe said her adjusted department will take serious action on climate change and biodiversity issues.

“This new department brings these key tasks together and will allow the Minns Government to deliver on our election commitments and focus on the future of NSW,” Ms Sharpe said.

“This future secures clean energy, drives economic growth for households and businesses and protects our air, our water, our soil and our plants and animals.”

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