No reason given for Coffs GM’s abrupt departure

Natalia Cowley received international recognition for turning local government finances around. Photo: City of Coffs Harbour.

AFTER taking the City of Coffs Harbour’s finances from $9.5 million in the red to $15.7 million in the black, General Manager Natalia Cowley has resigned for reasons being kept under wraps.

At the Council meeting on 28 November, Ms Cowley’s resignation was discussed by Councillors in a closed session.

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The meeting minutes show only that Council, “Notes the confidential correspondence from Natalia Cowley (General Manager) to Cr Nikki Williams (Mayor) dated 25 November, 2024, and accepts her resignation as General Manager of the City of Coffs Harbour with effect from 22 January, 2025.”

Ms Cowley’s contribution over the past two and a half years was acknowledged and Council wished her well with her future endeavours.

Andrew Beswick was appointed as Acting General Manager until a replacement is found (for a maximum period of up to 12 months) or until a further resolution of the Council, whichever occurs first.

Councillors Williams, Cecato, Fowler, Oxford and Saro voted for the motion and Councillors Amos, Cassell, Judge and Sechi voted against it.

The confidential nature of the closed session prevents councillors discussing what happened.

Ms Cowley is a recent recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to the Public Sector Award from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia and New Zealand.

Before joining the City of Coffs Harbour, she was instrumental in steering Central Coast Council out of the biggest financial crisis in recent local government history.

“Natalia’s financial management is exemplary,” Councillor Tony Judge told News Of The Area.

“Coffs Harbour is one of the few councils in NSW with its finances in a strong position.”

He said that some councillors were not made aware of Ms Cowley’s resignation until 2:30pm on the day of the meeting, despite it being submitted days earlier.

“I’m disappointed in the lack of transparency around the announcement and I feel that some councillors were gagged.”

By Andrew VIVIAN

2 thoughts on “No reason given for Coffs GM’s abrupt departure

  1. How could a sincere CEO work for a council who’s mayor was elected under false pretenses. The current mayor told the media over and over again before the election that if elected she would serve the people of Coffs Harbor. The people of Coffs Harbor spoke at the referendum about the use of the jetty foreshores and the newly elected mayor decided not to listen and she and her above the line block have rejected the will of the people. How could any council CEO work under a mayor who couldn’t be trusted.?

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