Nexus Gallery features fibre artists and fabulous flowers

‘Banksia’ by Gloria Muddle, showing in ‘Hooked On…’.

NEXUS Community Gallery’s raison d’être to celebrate the talents of local Mid North Coast artists sees new exhibitions showing from 21 May until 16 June.

Located in the Old Butter Factory site at 1 Doepel Street, Bellingen, in the Main Gallery there’s the Fibre Artists Network exhibition titled ‘Hooked On…’ and in the Studio Gallery, there’s Will Douglas’ exhibition titled ‘In My Secret Garden’.

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The exhibitions open at 2pm on Sunday 21 May.

“This exhibition, ‘Hooked On…’ is our showcasing of the many diverse processes, media, passions and enthusiasms that our group encompasses,” said Jenny Davies, Secretary of the Fibre Artists Network.

The nine artists exhibiting in ‘Hooked On…’ are Kerry Wheeldon, Gloria Muddle, Jenny Davies, Vana Ford, Mary Brown, Louise Earnshaw, Susie Williams, Janice McKay and Helen Beale.

“Exhibiting members of Fibre Artists Network work in an individual contemporary style, with a variety of fibre, from paper to timber and silks to wool being employed.

“Humour, technique, colour and imagination along with presentation give the collaboration of our works excitement, variety and intrigue,” she said.

The Fibre Artists Network Inc was formed in 2001, commencing with a few friends who extended invitations to other fibre workers to become involved.

Since then, membership has extended to approximately 25, all residing along the Mid North Coast from Laurieton to Bellingen.

The aims and objectives of the Group are to work in a contemporary style, exchange ideas, support each other, conduct workshops, and exhibit annually promoting a level of confidence that will enable members to exhibit in a professional context.

Bellingen artist Will Douglas’ exhibition of recent works will show in Nexus’ Studio Gallery for the same period.

With the exhibition title ‘In My Secret Garden’, Will said, “My garden is not really a garden at all.

“It’s more of a refuge really, a place to get away to and a place to marvel at nature’s exuberance.

“Flowers can be truly inspiring and the closer I get to them, the more amazing they become.”

Will says he never ceases to wonder at the diversity of flowers, and in his recent works he has tried to capture and preserve some of this magic on canvas.

“I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I have enjoyed painting them and appreciating their never-ending variance,” he said.

Nexus Community Gallery is located in the Old Butter Factory site at 1 Doepel Street, Bellingen, 21 May through to 16 June 2023.



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