News Of The Area’s Andrew Vivian – My First Five Months With News Of The Area


HALFWAY through the disaster that has been 2020 I noticed a Facebook post seeking people to write for a proposed print newspaper to fill the void left by the move of the Coffs Coast Advocate to online only.

I expressed interest, and was surprised but pleased to be invited to be one of the Coffs Coast News Of The Area scribes.

I’ve done some opinion pieces for an English-language newspaper overseas and, for six months, I was the English-language editor for the now-defunct Bali Echo magazine.

As a former teacher and school principal, I was also used to writing for a range of audiences so the style guide provided by the editors for our writing was easy to follow.

Being a ‘reporter’ has already been a very rewarding experience.

I am drawn to stories about education, the environment and politics but also love to meet interesting people and write about them.

I have also found that most people are interesting if you ask the right questions.

I have met entrepreneurs, politicians and community leaders.

I have also been exposed to the inequities that exist in our Coffs Coast community but have met so many wonderful people who devote their lives to helping people less fortunate than themselves and/or the environment.

I am bemused by the doors that open when I contact someone and say, or type, “I write for the Coffs Coast News Of The Area”.

People have opened up and provided a wealth of information about stories I have been doing, and provided leads for other stories.

As someone who has lived in the area for less than a decade, writing for the Coffs Coast News Of The Area has helped me find out so much about my community.

Over time, I try to convey to readers the rich diversity that exists in our community in experience, culture, opinion and aspirations.

I hope to continue for a while yet.


By Andrew VIVIAN

One thought on “News Of The Area’s Andrew Vivian – My First Five Months With News Of The Area

  1. Love your articles that stand up for the environment. Thankyou and keep up the fantastic work.

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