New roofing for Gloucester hospital

The hospital, surrounded by scaffolding.

DISCUSSION about building a Gloucester hospital began in 1909 when a local committee was formed, but for a number of reasons, including two world wars, nothing much happened for many years.

“Finally, in 1954 there was a breakthrough, funding was provided and the tender process began,” the Monument Australia website explains.

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“On September 24, 1955 the foundation stone was laid by the Minister of Health, Maurice O’Sullivan and the building was opened for the public on June 1, 1957.”

The hospital was designed by the NSW Government Architect’s Office and was built in typical 1950’s utilitarian style.

It was named the Gloucester Soldiers Memorial Hospital to commemorate those who served in both world wars.

In 2020 the hospital underwent some major internal renovations.

Those driving past the hospital will have noticed that the main building is presently completely surrounded by scaffolding.

Recently the original tile roof has been showing its 68 years of age with a few leaks, and funding has been allocated to completely replace the roof with Colorbond.

A spokesperson for the hospital informed News Of The Area that the roofing work is due to be completed by the end of April 2025.

The hospital spokesperson indicated that during the construction period there will be no interruption to hospital services.

The spokesperson also indicated that once the roofing has been completed it is hoped that solar panels will be installed to help reduce the hospital’s power bill.


Roofing work underway.

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